Thursday, September 07, 2006

Last days

Hey guys,
so far it was interesting week. First of all I was in Warsaw to visit People Can Fly. I met few great people there and saw motion builder in action, they use it almost exclusively for animation. I was quite impressed, mostly because of the realtime feedback in that application. Maya - I hate your playblasts! Anyway, I came back home and started to play with Motion Builder to get the idea how to animate in it, was trying to find similar options that I normaly use in Maya etc. So far I made few basic walkcycle poses in "constant/stepped" mode and I will try to convert everything to splines and refine it. But that will come later, now I have to refine my AM shot, which is driving me a little bit crazy. I am dissapointed with the quality so far of my c3 assignments. I know I can do much much better, I just need some more experience, that's why I decided to do some animations for People Can Fly - to get experience. I am also thinking a lot about the break. I will have three months that I will be able to use for animation. At first I was thinking about redoing entire c2, work with ballie, stewie without arms etc., but on the other hand I already have some experience with full body character. I made the basebal pitch which is not that bad with full Stewie character. So probably I will do all c2 assignments but with full Stewie, instead of ballie etc. Ok, I am going back to Maya to refine my curves. GE I am coming, please don't make me cry today! ;)


  • you sound quite busy! Would love to see some of your stuff when you get a chance.;O)

    By Blogger milo, at 8:03 PM  

  • Hey Milo,
    yeah, I am quite busy. Frankly, I just can't wait the break, so I can take a big breath, make stewie assignments again etc. I will upload a lot of things soon, cause I want to make a good usage of the blog during the break. But you can see my shworeel. The link is on the blog - in "my work" section.

    By Blogger Maciek Gliwa, at 1:42 AM  

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