Thursday, September 25, 2008

Recording audio for my shortfilm.

Woohoo! Today I am going to Warsaw to record voices for characters from my shortfilm "Yummy". This is gonna be a lot of fun! Can't wait to finish that film and see it on the big screen. Still some work has to be done, but we are getting closer and closer to the end of production. Just couple weeks more and we will be done :).

By the way, I am going to London next week for the AM Gathering. Can't wait to see you guys and drink several Coronas with you :). This is gonna be fun, I love London and I am glad I will have a chance to see that great city again. See you next week!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Just some drawings I did today.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Just check it out! Super mixture of sounds :).

Friday, September 05, 2008

Silver's Character Design Class - Week 1 Fat Joe

Hey guys,
I decided to take Stephen Silver's course in character design. I just started it this week and I am already loving it! The lecture was just amazing. Our assignment for this week is to draw a design of Fat Joe described in the assignment this way: "SCENE—The bar of a low dive on the London water front—a squalid, dingy room dimly lighted by kerosene lamps placed in brackets on the walls At the far end of the bar stands Fat Joe, the proprietor, a gross bulk of a man with an enormous stomach. His face is red and bloated, his little piggish eyes being almost concealed by rolls of fat. The thick fingers of his big hands are loaded with cheap rings and a gold watch chain of cable-like proportions stretches across his checked waistcoat." I have drawn some black poses and one design so far.

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