Thursday, September 20, 2007


Sorry for being quiet for last couple days. I am realy into the planning for my short film. Basically I am trying to collect video ref, do some research, some planning, and prepare every single shot for animation which is soooo time consuming. But it has to be done, otherwise I will struggle in class 6, so I prefer to use the time I have as well as I can. And frankly I have no time for anything else at the moment :(. I will tell you very soon about cool software I am beta testing at the moment. It helps me to do my planning, allows me to make notes on the video reference, re-time it completely etc. Very very cool tool. I also signed up for the e-mail demonstration series by Glenn Vilppu. Very very cool stuff! I wish I had more time, especially since I am going to London soon.
Anyway, few words about class 5. I had really nice class. It was quite calm I should say and quiet :). My mentor was really great. Several times he gave me critiques during q&a sessions which was awesome. Overall I am happy with my story and layout. I think it is solid and has potential to be funny and have a lot of appeal. I am glad I decided to change my story ideas in the middle of the term, because the previous one really sucks from today's perspective :))))). I think I have learn a lot. Funny is that many people actually don't want to do short films, they just want to animate. I realized that I am much more story teller. My story is super simple, because of the time constraints, but I am sure I will do my other much more serious ideas in the future. And that production experience I am going to learn during production of my short will be priceless! Animation is cool, but without storytelling it's just moving body parts around I guess. What is cool about doing shortfilm is that you have to learn to look at shots from the much wider perspective and that is something I had no real idea about before class 5. I am looking forward to class 6, I am a little bit scared but I hope that with good planning and enough "sit on that damn chair" hours I will make it and will be proud of it.


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