Thursday, January 29, 2009

Walkcycle - Flipbook

Ok, so here is my walkcycle test I did in Flipbook for next assignment from Jason's course. It's just a walkcycle but I had a huge A-HA moment once I get the idea what the thirds are all about and how the constant speed works in inbetweens...funny, I have the feeling that for the first time in my life I finally started to REALLY understand inbetween charts. Now it's time to animate Stewie in Maya, without opening GE that is ;). It's so much more fun to work this way, woo-hoo!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jump test

I just animated one of the assignments from Jason Ryan's course (The course itself is simply awesome, I highly recommend it!!! You can find the link among the banners to the right). It is really simple little test, but I have already learnt a lot. I didn't open "spaghetti editor" even once. I animated for the first time in real pose-to-pose way. I tested tradigiTools, which are awesome! And I used IK spine for the first time (I think I am going to forget about FK spine, IK is just so much more fun to work with!). And I didn't use any arc tracker, I did all by eye. So overall I am quite happy with this assignment :). And I actually animated it in just one evening, so it's quite fast for me. And I tested how the animation looks with motion blur for the first time, it's cool :).

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sketches done with the Namiki Pen

How to make a baby :)

Check this out! Awesome small little educational movie created by my former AM mentors.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Shortfilm, one rendered frame ;)

Just wanted to show you guys one test rendered frame, to give you an idea how the render of my shortfilm will look like more or less :). It is not really color corrected, and there will be more depth of field etc., but it gives you rough idea. You can even see that there still is no texture on the plant ;). I love the eyes by the way :). All rendering, lighting, texturing and environment models are being done in Studio Film Garden from Warsaw.

I am second - cool video ref.

Cool site for awesome reference. It's a "little bit" religious, but it doesn't change the fact that you can find a lot of fantastic reference! Check it out.

New Dialog Assignment

Since I am pretty much done with my short (now waiting for final renderings), I thought I will do a dialog assignment. Actually this is assignment that I screw up when I was in animation mentor. I thought I could animate it better now. I spent some time trying to figure out how to set up my own lighting in Maya. It's kind of complex, but once you get the basic idea it's getting easier and easier :).
Just few words about my short, it will be available for watching in February, finally :)!!!!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Hey folks!
Happy New Year 2009 !!!! :)

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